Here is just one example of something you can teach younger siblings or nieces and nephews:
(This song is song to the tune "Itsy Bitsy Spider")
The itsy bitsy shepherd went up to Bethlehem.
(walk two fingers up your arm)
Down came the starlight to lead him to the inn.
(start above head and wiggle fingers down)
Out came the sunshine to start a brand new day.
(join hands, with arms raised over head)
And the itsy bitsy shepherd saw Jesus on the hay.
(cradle arms as if rocking a baby)
The itsy bitsy shepherd went up to Bethlehem.
(walk two fingers up your arm)
Down came the starlight to lead him to the inn.
(start above head and wiggle fingers down)
Out came the sunshine to start a brand new day.
(join hands, with arms raised over head)
And the itsy bitsy shepherd saw Jesus on the hay.
(cradle arms as if rocking a baby)